Monday, July 19, 2010

25 Tips On Health

Health - a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and nothing more than the absence of disease or feebleness. Eating right, exercising, and sleeping well play an equal role in the prevention of infections and diseases.

Many of us are not in control of the factors that cause us to become ill whether they be heritable, environmental, or something else entirely. There are many steps we can take to improve our health, which include the use of traditional and modern medicines when we are ill.

Health Tips
However, most people cannot access or afford proper health care such as healthy sanitation and hygiene, which is necessary to prevent the spread of disease. I think the following 25 Health Tips definitely serve you better if you can opt for it.

01. Eat more - grains, vegetables, beans, greens, fruits, fish, seeds & yogurt.

02. Eat less milk, cheese and nuts.

03. Add Garlic to your recipes.

04. Beta carotene - rich foods like carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.

05. Reduce Sodium - intake to no more than 1 1/4 teaspoons of salt per day.

06. Eat regular meals.

07. Drink water - throughout the day.

08. Switch - from coffee to tea.

09. Exercise - regularly.

10. Take the stairs - instead of the elevator or escalator at school.

11. Do housework - take it as an extra chance to exercise.

12. Healthy weight - should be maintained.

13. Quit Smoking.

14. Avoid Alcohol.

15. Sleep - adequately.

16. Blood Pressure - should be monitored.

17. Cholesterol - should be monitored.

18. Work Schedule - should be regular to avoid too much stress.

19. Practice - stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing. Yoga and meditation.

20. Laughter - is a good medicine.

21. Medical checkups - should be done regularly.

22. Controlling Diabetes.

23. Family History - of cardiovascular disease should be known.

24. Love - Give it and receive it.

25. Medication - prescribed by Dr. should be taken.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Health"

1. Question: What are the benefits of regular exercise for health?
Answer: Regular exercise can improve cardiovascular health, boost immunity, and enhance mental well-being.

2. Question: How can one maintain a balanced diet for better health?
Answer: Maintaining a balanced diet involves consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

3. Question: What are some effective ways to reduce stress and promote mental health?
Answer: Effective stress reduction techniques include mindfulness meditation, regular physical activity, and seeking support from friends and family.

4. Question: What are the risks associated with smoking and its impact on health?
Answer: Smoking is linked to various health risks, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

5. Question: How can individuals improve their sleep quality for overall health?
Answer: Improving sleep quality involves establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding stimulants before bedtime.

So, have a healthy life...have a happy life!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Body Damaging Habits

1. No Breakfast
People who do not eat breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our 20 body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decreases concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage to the brain.

9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain

The main causes of liver damage are:

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main causes.

2. Not urinating in the morning.

3. Too much eating.

4. Skipping breakfast.

5. Consuming too much medication.

6. Consuming too many preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.

7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil.
As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is 20very fit.

8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also adds to the burden of liver.
Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked in 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.

We should prevent this without necessarily spending more. We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to 'schedule.'

The top five cancer-causing foods are:

1. Hot Dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and Bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams, may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acrylic amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams.

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats.

Even though we are eager to eat such junk foods and invite severity to keep us ill for long time. Just think about it.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Body Damaging Habits"

1. Question: What are the consequences of not eating breakfast?
Answer: Skipping breakfast can lead to lower blood sugar levels and inadequate nutrient supply to the brain, potentially causing brain degeneration.

2. Question: How does overeating affect the brain?
Answer: Overeating can lead to the hardening of brain arteries, resulting in a decrease in mental power.

3. Question: What is the impact of smoking on the brain?
Answer: Smoking can cause multiple instances of brain shrinkage and may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

4. Question: How does high sugar consumption affect brain health?
Answer: Excessive sugar intake can disrupt the absorption of essential proteins and nutrients, potentially causing malnutrition and interfering with brain development.

5. Question: What is the relationship between air pollution and brain efficiency?
Answer: Inhaling polluted air reduces the brain's oxygen supply, leading to decreased brain efficiency, as the brain is the body's largest consumer of oxygen.