Sunday, February 9, 2014

Toothache : A Solution

Have your kids ever had toothache? Then you should definitely remember the throbbing pain it gives. It is not just the mouth, but your kid's entire face and sometimes even head feels the pressure. Here are some super home remedies for toothache from Grandmas' Purse.

1. Spinach leaves:

Get some spinach leaves and chew it against the aching tooth. You can also make spinach paste and apply it directly around the affected area for better relief.

2. Guava leaves:

Chew fresh, tender guava leaves till the juice comes out. Hold it against the affected tooth for quick relief. You can also boil guava leaves in a pot of water, allow it to warm, add some salt and use it as a mouth wash.

3. Cloves:

Clove is one of the best herbal remedies for toothache. Grind whole cloves and apply it to the inflamed tooth cavity or around the area that has toothache. You can also use clove oil, by dabbing it on a cotton ball before applying it on the affected area.

4. Garlic:

Garlic is effectively used in herbal medicines against many ailments including toothache. Chew two cloves of garlic and retain it against the affected tooth.

5. Wheat grass juice:

A natural antibiotic, wheat grass is an effective remedy for toothache. Chewing wheat grass or washing your mouth using wheat grass juice will remove toxins from the gums and reduce toothache.

6. Onion:

Chewing raw onion will gradually bring down toothache. If chewing is difficult, just place a piece of onion on the affected area.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Toothache - A Solution"

1. Question: What are some common causes of toothaches?
Answer: Toothaches can be caused by cavities, gum disease, tooth sensitivity, or dental injuries.

2. Question: How can I alleviate a toothache at home?
Answer: You can try rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater, using over-the-counter pain relievers, or applying a cold compress to reduce pain temporarily.

3. Question: When should I see a dentist for a toothache?
Answer: It's essential to see a dentist promptly if you have a severe or persistent toothache, as it may indicate a more significant dental problem.

4. Question: Are there preventive measures to avoid toothache?
Answer: Maintaining good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, can help prevent toothaches.

5. Question: What are some long-term solutions for toothache prevention?
Answer: Long-term solutions include proper dental care, a balanced diet, avoiding excessive sugary foods, and addressing dental issues promptly to prevent toothaches.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Teach unique things to your child

Yes, you need to teach your kid how to read and write. But, apart from academics there are some life lessons you must teach your child before he steps out to the big, bad world on his own.

Children tend to learn a lot when they are young. Being a mom means a never-ending process of teaching kids everything from the ABCs to mannerisms. Here are some life lessons you must teach your child.

Stranger danger:

Children of all ages need to be taught to be aware of their surroundings and understand that strangers need to be avoided. They should be warned about weird people asking for help with directions or findings of a lost dog. Children should also know never to accept any gifts or candy from strangers, and to never approach a stranger if they are lured into an interaction.

How to handle bullying:

Bullying, both in-person and online, is becoming a social epidemic that affects children of all ages. As a parent you need to learn to recognize signs that your child is being bullied, and to teach your children how to properly handle the situation through teacher and disciplinary action.

The value of self-esteem:

One of the biggest defenses against bullying, peer pressure and academic stress is healthy self-esteem. Praise your children's effort and encourage their success, academically and in the home. While every child will become upset from time-to-time, having them know of their abilities and strengths regularly will help them develop self-esteem in the long run.

Good manners:

Manners are learned from a young age, with even the simplest expressions of please and thank you taught by the parents. And, from the earliest stage of good manners comes respect for one's elders and social etiquette. Teaching your children how to be polite and courteous in conversations and actions will set them up for a well-disciplined attitude that will only grow with them as they get older.

Chores and responsibilities:

Having to-do lists at home teaches children how to clean their own messes and the consequences of what would happen if they don't. You can give them small rewards for doing what they had to. This will encourage them to do so in the future too. However, teach them from a young age that they need to do certain chores and take responsibility for some housework.

The value of money:

It is important to teach your kids the value of hard-earned money while they are young. You can curb those "I-wants" at the market by showing your children how many chores they have to do to earn the money for a candy bar or a new toy. Encourage your children to save their money and spend it wisely. Give your child a changing jar or piggy bank and have them keep count of what they have earned and how long it has taken to earn it.

From a young age teach your child to not discriminate against anyone based on sex, casts or race. Let them know that everyone is the same. You also need to make them understand that everyone is unique and they should be themselves, rather than trying to be someone else. 

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Teach Unique Things To Your Child"

1. Q: Why is it important to teach unique things to your child?

Answer: Teaching unique things to your child fosters creativity and critical thinking, helping them stand out in a competitive world.

2. Q: What are some examples of unique skills or knowledge to teach children?

Answer:  Unique skills might include coding, wilderness survival, playing a musical instrument, speaking multiple languages, or practicing mindfulness.

3. Q: How can parents effectively introduce unique concepts to their children?

Answer: Parents can use hands-on activities, exploration, and encouraging curiosity to make learning unique and engaging for their children.

4. Q: What are the benefits of exposing children to diverse and unique experiences?

Answser: Exposing children to diverse experiences broadens their horizons, enhances adaptability, and promotes a well-rounded perspective on the world.

5. Q: When should parents start teaching unique things to their child?

Answer: Parents can begin introducing unique concepts and skills to their children as early as preschool age, tailoring activities to their developmental stages and interests. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Super Sweaty Armpits

What Can I Do About My Super Sweaty Armpits? It is the normal question that comes in everyone's mind. Super Sweaty Armpits have to be one of the most embarrassing problems to have. Lets not kid ourselves if you have armpits that sweat profusely you know you have a problem!

What most people don't realise is that at least 1% of the population suffer, to some degree, from this. There is actually a name for this condition, I guess you may already have heard of it if you're reading this article - it's called "Hyperhidrosis".

Hyperhidrosis, or excess sweating, is a common plight among teens and adults. It can happen in the armpits, feet, palms, face, or elsewhere, and can be embarrassing if it occurs at an inopportune time. While it’s not the most embarrassing thing that will ever happen, we understand that it’s a real problem that people like to have fixed. For whatever reason, supersweaters have more active sweat glands than most people. 

You can get prescription antiperspirants that contain higher concentrations of aluminum hydroxide or aluminum chloride than ordinary deodorant, such as Drysol (20 percent) or Certain Dri (12 percent). These can be applied three nights a week at bedtime and washed off in the morning. After it is working well, it can be applied once or twice a week (and still washed off in the morning) for three to six months until sweat production has subsided. Most people can then back off and not use any of the medicine for another three to six months, then repeat the cycle.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Extra Hour of TV Reduces Kids Skills

Toddlers who watch television daily for more than two hours may risk diminishing their skills. According to Professor Linda Pagani of the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine children's hospital, this is the first time ever that a study has looked at and found a relationship between too much toddler screen time and kindergarten risks for poor motor skills and psychosocial difficulties.

A recent study shows that extra hours in front of TV may cause a child to have low grades, bad health and poor social skills.

Television's attractive feature is its moving images. A child who is used to hyperactive animation and fast sequences tends to find the real world unexciting and thus, has a shorter attention span. This translates to reduced participation in school activities, aside from the fact that the kid spends little time doing homework.

She said that these findings suggest the need for better parental awareness and agreement with existing viewing recommendations. Pagani discourages watching television during infancy and recommends not more than two hours per day beyond age two. She said that it seemed as if every extra hour beyond that has a remarkably negative influence.

More time in front of the TV also implies less time engaging in physical activities. Moreover, toddlers develop more liking for chips, carbonated drinks and other junk food that are best eaten while watching one's favorite show.

Some of the children who participated in the study were two or even three standard deviations away from the average, and their kindergarten indicators were correspondingly worse than those who were one standard deviation away, researchers found. So, keep your children away from TV for quite some time.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Extra Hour of TV Reduces Kids Skills"

1. Q: How does watching an extra hour of TV affect kids' skills?
Answer: It can lead to diminished motor skills and psychosocial difficulties.

2. Q: What are the consequences of too much TV time for toddlers?
Answer: Toddlers may experience lower grades, poor health, and reduced social skills.

3. Q: Why is limiting TV time important for young children?
Answer: Excessive TV viewing can make the real world seem less exciting and harm attention span.

4. Q: What is the recommended daily TV limit for children beyond age two?
Answer: Experts advise not more than two hours per day to avoid negative influences.

5. Q: How does increased TV time impact physical activity and diet in toddlers?
Answer: More TV time often leads to less physical activity and a preference for unhealthy snacks.