Showing posts with label Aging Gracefully. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aging Gracefully. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2013

Eat Less, Live More

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life. The best thing one has to do is make a gap between your personal and professional life. Do not bring your professional task home. Enjoy this time with your family and at home. Give some time to your friends also. One can spend a little time with your near ones to help them to relax and avoid a stressful life. Only find a little time for yourself and do things that are best for you.

One great solution to adding years to your life at any age is chewing more and longer.

Apart from all these things, eating 40 percent less food could extend a person's life by 20 years, according to scientists. Researchers at the Institute of Health Ageing at University College London are developing a treatment they hope will combat the 'disease' of getting older. They are looking into how genetics and lifestyle can be adapted to offset the effects of ageing and add years, possibly decades, to a person's life.

Age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegeneration can also be combated, it is claimed. Dr Piper said: "If we discover the genes involved with ageing, we should be able to delay ageing itself. This is what we have found."  

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Eat Less, Live More"

1. Q: How can eating less lead to living more?
Answer: Eating less can potentially extend your lifespan and improve overall health by reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

2. Q: What are the benefits of practicing portion control?
Answer: Practicing portion control can help you maintain a healthier weight, lower the risk of obesity-related conditions, and promote longevity.

3. Q: Can reducing calorie intake slow down the aging process?
Answer: Yes, cutting calorie intake has been linked to potential anti-aging effects and an increased chance of living a longer, healthier life.

4. Q: Are there any specific diets that focus on eating less for longevity?
Answer: Yes, certain diets like calorie restriction (CR) diets emphasize eating fewer calories to extend lifespan and improve health outcomes.

5. Q: What role does mindful eating play in the "Eat Less, Live More" philosophy?
Answer: Mindful eating encourages individuals to savor and appreciate their food, helping them consume less and potentially reap the benefits of a longer and healthier life.