Often magazines and manufacturers of baby products would like to convince parents that they need a lot more things for their baby than they really do. We've made a list of those items we think you need and those that can be considered luxuries or unneeded extras. Prices can vary widely among different stores, so shopping around can save money. The easiest way to comparison-shop is by telephone. Make sure you know the specific brands and models of the products about which you are inquiring.
Child restraint for auto travel Crib with mattress
1. Bumper pad
2. 4 waterproof pads
3. 4 fitted sheets
4. quilt or comforter
5. lightweight blanket
6. 2-3 receiving blankets
After Your Baby Comes:
2. A safe stroller or carriage/stroller
Optional Purchases:
1. Soft carrier and/or backpack
2. Bassinet, carrycot, or cradle for the first months after birth
3. Baby bathtub
4. Changing table
5. Soft washcloths and hooded towels
Expensive Options (But Possibly Worth it):
1. Automatic baby swing (especially if your baby is fussy)
2. Playpen
Expensive Option (But Not Worth It):
I think this information worth you lot to take care of your baby before and after he /she may come.
संबंधित पुष्प :
01. Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - १
02. Child's Global Fleshiness : Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - २
03. Child's Global Fleshiness : How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
04. Kid's Breakfast (मुलांचा खाऊ )
05. Be aware about kid's fever (मुलांचे तापेपासून स्वंरक्षण)
06. ICU : Ice Cream Unit
07. A Solution on Bed Weting : Homeopathy (मुलांच्या बेड वेटिंगवर उपाय)
08. How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
09. Sweet Medicine on Maleriya (मलेरियावर गोड औषध)
10. Kids and Rules of Massage (मुले आणि मालिश करण्याचे नियम)
11. What is the importance of beauty sleep in your kid's life? (मुलांसाठी झोप किती महत्वाची?)
12. Anti Oxidents : Keep Disease Away (एंटी आँक्सिडेंटस : दूर ठेवा आजारपणाच्या तक्रारी)
13. Milk : The Best Food Forever! (दूध एक उत्तम आहार)
14. If someone afflicted at home (घरात जर कुणी आजारी असेल तर )
15. Kids, please do not habitual with Fast Food..!!!
16. How toxins enter our body?
17. Useful Websites for Kids (मुलांसाठी उपयुक्त वेबसाइट्स)
18. While Conversation With Kids (मुलांशी संवाद साधताना)
19. Cryos : The First International Sperm Bank In India (भारतातील पहिली आंतरराष्ट्रीय वीर्य बैंक)
20. Stressful Period Before Delivery May Affect the Growth of Your Baby (प्रसूतिपूर्व काळात ताणाचा संतातिवर परिणाम शक्य)
21. Mom and Dad,Please change your attitude (मम्मी आणि पप्पा आता तरी बदला ना!)
22. Calcium Bank for your child
23. Kindergarchy : The Rules by Children
24. How safe are baby products?
25. How important the stickers on baby products?
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