Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2023

While Conversation With Kids (मुलांशी संवाद साधताना)

मुलांची भावनिक, मानसिक, सामाजिक वाढ निकोप व्हायला हवी असेल तर, पालकांना त्यांच्या भावभावना नेमक्या जाणुन घेता यायला हव्यात. पालक आणि मुलांमध्ये असलेले सुदृढ सुसंवादी नातं हा त्याचा पाया आहे. असं नातं निर्माण करणं हे सोपं नाही, पण, अशक्यही नक्कीच नाही!!.
मला वाटतं बहुतेक जणांनीतारे जमीं परया आमिरखान दिग्दर्शित चित्रपटात लहान मुलांचे भावविश्व, त्याबरोबर जोडली गेलेली त्यांची मानसिकता, या सगळ्याकडे बघण्याचा पालकांचा दृष्टिकोण, याचे एक सर्वांगसुंदर चित्र रेखाटलेले पाहिले आहे. -याचदा पालकांना असं वाटत असतं, की आम्ही मुलांना चांगल्या प्रकारे समजावून घेतो; म्हणजेच त्यांच्या प्रत्येक कृतिमागिल त्यांची मानसिकता आम्ही जाणतो. हे खरेच एव्हढे सोपे आहे? तर नाही असेच म्हणावे लागेल. पणअशक्यमात्र नक्कीच नाही आणि यामध्ये एक महत्वाचा घटक आहे, तो म्हणजे पालक आणि मुले यांच्यातील संवाद!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Teach unique things to your child

Yes, you need to teach your kid how to read and write. But, apart from academics there are some life lessons you must teach your child before he steps out to the big, bad world on his own.

Children tend to learn a lot when they are young. Being a mom means a never-ending process of teaching kids everything from the ABCs to mannerisms. Here are some life lessons you must teach your child.

Stranger danger:

Children of all ages need to be taught to be aware of their surroundings and understand that strangers need to be avoided. They should be warned about weird people asking for help with directions or findings of a lost dog. Children should also know never to accept any gifts or candy from strangers, and to never approach a stranger if they are lured into an interaction.

How to handle bullying:

Bullying, both in-person and online, is becoming a social epidemic that affects children of all ages. As a parent you need to learn to recognize signs that your child is being bullied, and to teach your children how to properly handle the situation through teacher and disciplinary action.

The value of self-esteem:

One of the biggest defenses against bullying, peer pressure and academic stress is healthy self-esteem. Praise your children's effort and encourage their success, academically and in the home. While every child will become upset from time-to-time, having them know of their abilities and strengths regularly will help them develop self-esteem in the long run.

Good manners:

Manners are learned from a young age, with even the simplest expressions of please and thank you taught by the parents. And, from the earliest stage of good manners comes respect for one's elders and social etiquette. Teaching your children how to be polite and courteous in conversations and actions will set them up for a well-disciplined attitude that will only grow with them as they get older.

Chores and responsibilities:

Having to-do lists at home teaches children how to clean their own messes and the consequences of what would happen if they don't. You can give them small rewards for doing what they had to. This will encourage them to do so in the future too. However, teach them from a young age that they need to do certain chores and take responsibility for some housework.

The value of money:

It is important to teach your kids the value of hard-earned money while they are young. You can curb those "I-wants" at the market by showing your children how many chores they have to do to earn the money for a candy bar or a new toy. Encourage your children to save their money and spend it wisely. Give your child a changing jar or piggy bank and have them keep count of what they have earned and how long it has taken to earn it.

From a young age teach your child to not discriminate against anyone based on sex, casts or race. Let them know that everyone is the same. You also need to make them understand that everyone is unique and they should be themselves, rather than trying to be someone else. 

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Teach Unique Things To Your Child"

1. Q: Why is it important to teach unique things to your child?

Answer: Teaching unique things to your child fosters creativity and critical thinking, helping them stand out in a competitive world.

2. Q: What are some examples of unique skills or knowledge to teach children?

Answer:  Unique skills might include coding, wilderness survival, playing a musical instrument, speaking multiple languages, or practicing mindfulness.

3. Q: How can parents effectively introduce unique concepts to their children?

Answer: Parents can use hands-on activities, exploration, and encouraging curiosity to make learning unique and engaging for their children.

4. Q: What are the benefits of exposing children to diverse and unique experiences?

Answser: Exposing children to diverse experiences broadens their horizons, enhances adaptability, and promotes a well-rounded perspective on the world.

5. Q: When should parents start teaching unique things to their child?

Answer: Parents can begin introducing unique concepts and skills to their children as early as preschool age, tailoring activities to their developmental stages and interests. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Extra Hour of TV Reduces Kids Skills

Toddlers who watch television daily for more than two hours may risk diminishing their skills. According to Professor Linda Pagani of the University of Montreal and the CHU Sainte-Justine children's hospital, this is the first time ever that a study has looked at and found a relationship between too much toddler screen time and kindergarten risks for poor motor skills and psychosocial difficulties.

A recent study shows that extra hours in front of TV may cause a child to have low grades, bad health and poor social skills.

Television's attractive feature is its moving images. A child who is used to hyperactive animation and fast sequences tends to find the real world unexciting and thus, has a shorter attention span. This translates to reduced participation in school activities, aside from the fact that the kid spends little time doing homework.

She said that these findings suggest the need for better parental awareness and agreement with existing viewing recommendations. Pagani discourages watching television during infancy and recommends not more than two hours per day beyond age two. She said that it seemed as if every extra hour beyond that has a remarkably negative influence.

More time in front of the TV also implies less time engaging in physical activities. Moreover, toddlers develop more liking for chips, carbonated drinks and other junk food that are best eaten while watching one's favorite show.

Some of the children who participated in the study were two or even three standard deviations away from the average, and their kindergarten indicators were correspondingly worse than those who were one standard deviation away, researchers found. So, keep your children away from TV for quite some time.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Extra Hour of TV Reduces Kids Skills"

1. Q: How does watching an extra hour of TV affect kids' skills?
Answer: It can lead to diminished motor skills and psychosocial difficulties.

2. Q: What are the consequences of too much TV time for toddlers?
Answer: Toddlers may experience lower grades, poor health, and reduced social skills.

3. Q: Why is limiting TV time important for young children?
Answer: Excessive TV viewing can make the real world seem less exciting and harm attention span.

4. Q: What is the recommended daily TV limit for children beyond age two?
Answer: Experts advise not more than two hours per day to avoid negative influences.

5. Q: How does increased TV time impact physical activity and diet in toddlers?
Answer: More TV time often leads to less physical activity and a preference for unhealthy snacks.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kids And Food To Keep Them Healthy

What it means to eat healthy for your kids? I know such type of questions may rise in your mind as a compassionate parent. I know that parents might need some help to understand their kid's eating habits. 

In fact, childhood obesity is a worldwide problem and no child is safe if they don't have healthy eating habits. There are many causes of obesity in children. Some of these are fast foods which are high in calories and fat. They also contain dangerous trans (fake fats) that wreak havoc on a young child's body. Another cause is processed foods. These false foods are loaded with sugar and artificial colors, flavors and preservatives which add up to extra calories. Because of the added processed sugars, a child can consume a tremendous amount of sugar and not even feel that full.

It's no wonder that kids like fun, tasty snacks, which can sometimes be difficult to provide when the child has food allergies. Some foods that are safe for children, but also are healthy, fun and good to eat are fruit kabobs, which are also fun to make. Cutting up different varieties of fruits and placing them on a kabob is a fun and healthy way to satisfy a child's hunger. These make great snacks as well as another fun food. These are simple celery sticks with soy nut butter or sunflower butter spread on them with raisins sprinkled on top. Low-fat yogurts can provide a tasty dip for cut-up fruits or spreading some hummus that is sesame-free on whole grain crackers or pita triangles offers a delicious and nutritious snack for kids.

While the nutritious food you prepare for your kid gives you heavenly satisfaction, the hassle of trying to get it into their little tummies is no less a hell. You may feel helpless and disappointed, but you still have a reason to smile. Kids aren't as smart as they think they are! (yes, it's cute they think they are smarter than us). They can be creatively distracted and made to enjoy the very meal you have prepared for them.

It is true that finding healthy snacks for kids with food allergies can be a challenge, but it is important in providing nutritional needs while keeping the child safe. Snacks should be carefully chosen so they provide nutritional value, but do not cause an allergic reaction. Always check the ingredients to verify that the product is safe for the child and does not contain any ingredient that could possibly cause an allergic reaction. So, keep your child safe and healthy!!!

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Kids And Food - To Keep them Healthy"

1. Question: What are some nutritious foods that can help kids stay healthy?
Answer: Nutritious foods for kids include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and dairy products rich in calcium.

2. Question: How can parents encourage their children to make healthy food choices?
Answer: Parents can encourage healthy choices by being role models, involving kids in meal planning, and offering a variety of nutritious options.

3. Question: Are there any foods that should be limited or avoided to promote children's health?
Answer: Sugary snacks and beverages, highly processed foods, and excessive fast-food consumption should be limited to maintain children's health.

4. Question: What role does portion control play in keeping kids healthy?
Answer: Proper portion control helps prevent overeating and ensures kids receive the right balance of nutrients without excess calories.

5. Question: How can parents address picky eating habits and ensure their kids get essential nutrients?
Answer: Parents can introduce new foods gradually, create a positive mealtime environment, and offer a variety of healthy options to address picky eating habits and promote balanced nutrition.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Techniques To Handle Notoriously Screaming Children!

Naughtiness is related to children. To scream and to be notorious at getting people attentive towards them could be just their basic behavioral pattern in children. Mostly children at a very age are found to be smart, quiet, naughty and many are even found to be very obedient. But sometimes, they get head over heels with their parents. The child desires something very much but the parent does not agree to buy it. The child gets angry and starts breaking precious vases, throwing all the clothes everywhere, screams badly and makes the whole world go upside down.

Parents get excessively frustrated with their behavior and it seems really intolerable for parents to tolerate their behavior. Now, what should a parent do in such cases?

Firstly, do not scream back at the child if you think that the child will get more notorious by your screaming.

Secondly, if they are demanding something, do think what will be effect if you give in to their demands. Sometimes you can give them some things but not always.

Thirdly, when they get too demanding and intolerable, do not hit them. This will encourage them to rebel against you as a parent which will create further trouble.

The best thing as a parent you can do is to encourage them to experience silence at a deeper level. Try to take them away from home near a very natural place which is serene and silent. Make efforts to make them experience and hear the sounds that are within their minds and which disturb them quite often than not. Even a holy temple would be a great idea as temples generally make people experience a more silent life. Silence can do wonders about a child’s bad habit of incessant screaming. Make sure the silence touches their heart, mind and soul.

Think more as a friend than as a parent. Compliment them whenever possible. Try to correct their mistakes. Remember, children are very sensitive to what their parents say and express to them. This can have a positive as well as a negative effect on children depending upon how their sensitivity can be capitalized to get positive results.

Some children shout because they have loads of energy that is not used but keep building as excess energy. Some children shout because they cannot get what they want. Some children cannot cope with being quiet, they just want to express themselves and so they shout. Some children express their rebel by shouting.

What a parent can do best is to eat, sleep, play and talk with them as much as possible and become a friend more often than just a parent. It's nice to be a kid with a kid because then the kid finds a friend rather than someone who is going to boss over them and scold them. Let them feel a special connection towards you as a parent. Then try to instill discipline in them, it will definitely work.

Top 5 Questions and Answers on "Technique To Handle Notoriously Screaming Children"

1. Q: How can parents effectively calm a notoriously screaming child during a tantrum?
Answer: What techniques can help manage and diffuse their intense emotions?

2. Q: Is it advisable to ignore a screaming child, and if not, what alternative approaches can be used?
Answer: What strategies can parents employ to address the underlying causes of the screaming behavior?

3. Q: Are there any preventive measures parents can take to reduce the frequency of their child's screaming episodes?
Answer: How can a consistent routine and communication help prevent screaming outbursts?

4. Q: What role does parental patience and empathy play in handling a screaming child?
Answer: How can parents remain calm and empathetic while addressing their child's distress?

5. Q: Are there specific techniques or tactics that parents can employ to de-escalate a screaming child and promote better communication?
Answer: How can parents foster a supportive and understanding environment to help their child express their needs without resorting to screaming?

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117. Celiac Disease : Signs and Symptoms - 2
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124. Egg Allergy : Signs and Symptoms - 2
125. Egg Allergy : How Is It Diagnosed? - 3
126. How Egg Allergy is Treated? - 4
127. Egg Allergy : What to Do? - 5
128. Food Allergy : What Does It Means? - 1
129. Food Allergy : What Are The Reactions? - 2
130. Food Allergy : How Do You Know if You Have One? - 3
131. Food Allergy : What Will the Doctor Do? - 4
132. How Are Food Allergies Treated? - 5
133. Food Allergy : Have a Plan - 6
134. Living With Food Allergies - 7
135. What Are Hives : Is It Patches Of Skin? - 1
136. Why Do I Get Hives? - 2
137. What Will Doctor Do With Hives? - 3
138. Can I Prevent Hives? - 4
139. Trouble of Lactose Intolerance in Kids - 1
140. Who Gets Lactose Intolerance and Why? - 2
141. If You Have Lactose Intolerance - 3
142. Doctor's Action Against Lactose Intolerance - 4
143. How to Live With Lactose Intolerance - 5
144. Parents to track their child's performance at school online
145. Allergy : A Chain Reaction
146. Sneezing and Wheezing
147. Allergy : Symptoms
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149. Why Kids affected with Allergies?
150. How one can identify if he has allergies?
151. How to take a control on allergies?
152. How To Fight With Allergy?
153. Can Nuts and Peanuts causes to Allergy?
154. When Someone Has Food Allergy
155. What Are The Allergic Reactions?
156. How To Diagnose Nut or Peanut Allergy?
157. How to treat with Nut or peanut allergies?
158. How to prepare an emergency plan for nut or peanut allergy?
159. How to handle Nut and Peanut Allergy?
160. Asthma : A Breathing Tubes
161. Who Affects Asthma?
162. What Does an Asthma Burst Out?
163. Treating with Asthma
164. Asthma : Inhaler a Medicine
165. Can Asthmetic Kids Play?
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167. How to Manage Asthma?
168. Asthma : An Irritating Thing
169. Weather can also be a reason for Asthma!
170. Kinds of Allergies are more likely to have Asthma
171. Asthma : What is a Burst Out?
172. How to handle Asthma Burst outs?
173. Asthma Medicines : Get to know the work of it
174. Keep Your Pet Away In Asthma
175. How Weather affect on Asthma
176. Dirty Air and Asthma : The Relation
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182. Barbie Doll's Teenage - 2
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189. Swine Flu : Sneezing and Coughing - 5
190. First Swine Flu Death in India, Pune - 6
190. Symptoms of SWINE FLU - 7
191. Swine Flu : Indians, Please Do Not Panic - 8
192. Swine Flu : At Glance - 9
193. Reason to spread Swine Flu - 10
194. Swine Flu : Precautions - 11
195. Health Management Through Clapping
196. Drink Water On Empty Stomach
197. Handling Your Teenager - 1
198. Handling Your Teenagers - 2
199. Handling Your Teenagers - 3
200. Handling Your Teenagers - 4
201. Discuss with your kid about the Financial Crisis
202. Parenting : The way you interact with your kid
203. You Must Take Care About Mental, Physical and Spiritual Conditions of Your Children
204. Just Avoid The Blames!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Living With Food Allergies - 7

Having a food allergy is a drag, but it doesn't need to slow a kid down. If you have nut, milk, or egg allergies, just create cut-and-carry cards that can help you spot problem ingredients in foods. Your mom, dad, and other adults also can help you steer clear of reactions.

But what if something you really like turns out to be on your "do not eat" list? Today, so many people have food allergies that companies have created lots of good substitutes for favorite foods — everything from dairy-free mashed potatoes to wheat-free chocolate chunk cookies!

Common Questions and Answers on Food Allergy:

1. What is food sensitivity?
Answer: Food sensitivity is the point at which your body's invulnerable framework responds to a food protein since it has mixed up that food protein as a danger. Side effects can go from gentle to perilous.

2. What is the distinction between food sensitivity and food narrow mindedness?
Answer: Food sensitivity is in some cases mistook for food bigotry. Food sensitivities include your safe framework and can life-undermine. A prejudice is the point at which your body experiences difficulty processing food. It can cause you to feel awful, generally with an agitated stomach, yet it isn't perilous. The most well-known narrow mindedness is to lactose — which is a characteristic sugar tracked down in milk.

3. What are the most widely recognized food allergens?
Answer: In excess of 170 food sources are known to cause food sensitivities, however eight food varieties represent 9 out of 10 responses in the US. They are milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish.

4. What are the side effects of a food sensitivity response?
Answer: An unfavorably susceptible response to food can have a wide range of side effects, and a solitary individual can encounter various side effects starting with one response then onto the next. Numerous responses start with skin side effects, similar to hives or a rash, yet some don't. More serious side effects like a drop in circulatory strain and inconvenient breathing can undermine life. Converse with your allergist and work with them to finish up a Food Sensitivity and Hypersensitivity Crisis Care Intend to be ready in a crisis. A total rundown of side effects of a food sensitivity response is accessible here.

5. What is hypersensitivity?
Answer: Hypersensitivity is a serious unfavorably susceptible response that comes on rapidly and may cause demise. Early utilization of an epinephrine auto-injector is the essential treatment for hypersensitivity.

संबंधित पुष्प :

01. Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - १
02. Child's Global Fleshiness : Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - २
03. Child's Global Fleshiness : How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
04. Kid's Breakfast (मुलांचा खाऊ )
05. Be aware about kid's fever (मुलांचे तापेपासून स्वंरक्षण)
06. ICU : Ice Cream Unit
07. A Solution on Bed Weting : Homeopathy (मुलांच्या बेड वेटिंगवर उपाय)
08. How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
09. Sweet Medicine on Maleriya (मलेरियावर गोड औषध)
10. Kids and Rules of Massage (मुले आणि मालिश करण्याचे नियम)
11. What is the importance of beauty sleep in your kid's life? (मुलांसाठी झोप किती महत्वाची?)
12. Anti Oxidents : Keep Disease Away (एंटी आँक्सिडेंटस : दूर ठेवा आजारपणाच्या तक्रारी)
13. Milk : The Best Food Forever! (दूध एक उत्तम आहार)
14. If someone afflicted at home (घरात जर कुणी आजारी असेल तर )
15. Kids, please do not habitual with Fast Food..!!!
16. How toxins enter our body?
17. Useful Websites for Kids (मुलांसाठी उपयुक्त वेबसाइट्स)
18. While Conversation With Kids (मुलांशी संवाद साधताना)
19. Cryos : The First International Sperm Bank In India (भारतातील पहिली आंतरराष्ट्रीय वीर्य बैंक)
20. Stressful Period Before Delivery May Affect the Growth of Your Baby (प्रसूतिपूर्व काळात ताणाचा संतातिवर परिणाम शक्य)
21. Mom and Dad,Please change your attitude (मम्मी आणि पप्पा आता तरी बदला ना!)
22. Calcium Bank for your child
23. Kindergarchy : The Rules by Children
24. How safe are baby products?
25. How important the stickers on baby products?
26. What to do before your baby comes?
27. Baby Products - Money Saving Tips
28. Adults too can suffer from Whooping Cough
29. What's wrong with baby? Yeah! They are crying!
30. Calcium may significantly improve kid's bone health
31. An open letter to all young mom
32. Acne Products : Your Transforming Skincare
33. Some Health Tips for you all
34. How to get cured of diarrhoea - 1
35. What causes Diarrhoea? - 2
36. Tongue display helps recover balance problem
37. Diarrhoea in Children - 3
38. Get prominent skin with Resurgence
38. Homework in progress - 1
39. Homework in Progress : Regular overview - 2
40. Protect your grandparents with Medical Alarm
41. Homework in Progress : Make it a Quiz Time - 3
42. Homework in Progress - Postitive Feedback Counts - 4
43. Get Tea Bonanza at
44. Homework in Progress : Break Point - 5
45. Homework in Progress : Do not think twice, just log on - 6
46. A judgement court for kids (शोषित पिढीत मुलांना न्याय लवकर मिळावा म्हणुन ख़ास न्यायालयाची स्थापना)
47. Adult's Rights (लहान मुलांचे अधिकार)
48. Smile Teeth : How important is a child's dental health?
49. Infants : could be a sign that they would develop autism later
50. Get the power of SmoothFitness to be look sexy
51. Sleep with a newborn : Some tips to parents
52. Kid Care Center : The things to know (Kid Care Center - मुलांचे काळजीवाहू घर)
53. Connecting with your kid at school : (मुलांची शाळेतील वर्तवणुक)
54. Helicopter parenting more effective than formal parenting (Helicopter parenting - काय प्रकार आहे हां?)
55. Parents Think : Video Games are good for children (पालकांचे मत : Video Games हे मुलांसाठी चांगले असतात)
56. More former Parents Develop Allround Nestlings
57. How Nurturing Impacts Your Child’s Attribute? (पालकांचे संगोपन कशाप्रकारे मुलांच्या जडणघडणीवर परिणाम करते?)
58. Eminent Tension Levels In Parents Of Children With Impairments (पालकांचे अति टेंशन मुलांना अपंग करते)
59. Important Points Before Leaving Your Children Alone At Home (मुलांना एकटे घरी सोडण्यापुर्वी घ्यायची काळजि)
60. Overweight Kids : Family Based Lifestyle Changes the Situation
61. Is It Right To Reward Children? (मुलांना बक्षिस देणे योग्य आहे का?)
62. Parent Coaching Can Assist Kids To Lose Weight
63. Grandness Of Fathers In The Lives Of Their Children
64. How to talk with your Tweens in Mensturation
65. The Benefits Of Being Ignored : Important for Your Children
66. How Your Parenting Style Benefits Your Child? (तुमच्या पालकत्वाचि स्टाइल मुलाला कशी फायद्याची राहील?)
67. Cheating Kids – A big issue for parents
68. What are the ways that people cheat?
69. What are causes Kids Cheat
70. Truth and Consequences gathered in kid’s mind - 1
71. Truth and Consequences gathered in kid’s mind - 2
72. Kids Just Stop Cheating
73. Brain : The Mental Ability of Your Kid
74. Wonders of Left Brain and Right Brain
75. Getting alongwith teachers (मुलांनो आपल्या टिचर बरोबर रहा)
76. Relationship between Teacher and Students - १ (मुलांचे आणि टीचर्स चे संबंध)
77. What are the Responsibilities of Students? (विद्द्यार्थ्यांच्या जबाबदा-या काय असतात?)
78. First Day of School (शालेचा पहिला दिवस)
79. Just Feel Good on Day One
80. If You Hate the School It's Your Bad Start
81. School's Group Projects
82. While Meeting Together
83. Holding Good Meetins
84. If Problems Arise
85. Home Schooling
86. Advantage and Disadvantage of Home Schooling
87. Kids Scared of Bedbug
88. Honeybee are Fuzzy Insects : Take Care of Your Kids - 1
89. HoneyBee : What measure need to take care of your kid - 2
90. A Terror of Black Widow Spider
91. Brown Recluse Spider
92. A Chigger Bite
93. The Key To Perfect Pitch Lies in Tonal Language
94. Sign of Developing Children
95. Tips To Help You Get Your Kids Hooked On All Kinds Of Reading
96. Go for Variety : Tip 1
97. Tips to develop your children - 2
98. Tips to Develop Your Children - 3
99. Tips to Develop Your Children - 4
100. Game Your Way to Great Arithmetic
101. Spend Your Life
102. Remove Common Bacteria To Cut Risk Of Stomach Cancer Relapse
103. What is a Silent Heart Attack?
104. Heart Attack : No Warning Signs
105. Heart Attack : How Can You Detect It?
106. Heart Attack : Treatment
107. How You Can Prevent Heart Attack?
108. Do Mothers Overfeed Their Babies?
109. Babies Brainer Than Previously Thought
110. Disrupted Gene Causes Mental Retardation
111. Healing Tradition in India - 1
112. Healing Tradition in India : Keep Away disease - 2
113. Some Health Tips
114. In Control - (एक शोध निबंध)
115. Exercise Ineffective In Making Obese Kids Slim
116. Celiac Disease : The Reason - 1
117. Celiac Disease : Signs and Symptoms - 2
118. Celiac Disease : How Do People Know If They Have It? - 3
119. Celiac Disease : How Is It Treated? - 4
120. Celiac Disese : Gluten-Free Foods - 5
121. Support Groups for Celiac Disease - 6
122. Asthma : Is it the reason of Allgergy?
123. Egg Allergy and Kids - 1
124. Egg Allergy : Signs and Symptoms - 2
125. Egg Allergy : How Is It Diagnosed? - 3
126. How Egg Allergy is Treated? - 4
127. Egg Allergy : What to Do? - 5
128. Food Allergy : What Does It Means? - 1
129. Food Allergy : What Are The Reactions? - 2
130. Food Allergy : How Do You Know if You Have One? - 3
131. Food Allergy : What Will the Doctor Do? - 4
132. How Are Food Allergies Treated? - 5
133. Food Allergy : Have a Plan - 6

Friday, June 19, 2009

Celiac Disease : The Reason - 1

The major question that why Do Kids Get Celiac Disease?

No one is sure why celiac disease happens, but it appears to run in families. You have a 5% to 10% chance of getting celiac disease if someone in your family has it. It's common in people from the northern European countries and the United States. How common? About 1 in every 133 people in the United States has celiac disease.

Obviously, many people who have celiac disease do not know it. If all these people were diagnosed, celiac disease would be more common than type 1 diabetes. Fortunately, awareness is growing about the problem, and there are better ways of testing people for it.

संबंधित पुष्प :

01. Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - १
02. Child's Global Fleshiness : Child's Global Fleshiness : (मुलांमधिल लट्ठपणाचा जागतिक रोग) - २
03. Child's Global Fleshiness : How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
04. Kid's Breakfast (मुलांचा खाऊ )
05. Be aware about kid's fever (मुलांचे तापेपासून स्वंरक्षण)
06. ICU : Ice Cream Unit
07. A Solution on Bed Weting : Homeopathy (मुलांच्या बेड वेटिंगवर उपाय)
08. How to measure weight? (वजन कसे मोजावे?) - ३
09. Sweet Medicine on Maleriya (मलेरियावर गोड औषध)
10. Kids and Rules of Massage (मुले आणि मालिश करण्याचे नियम)
11. What is the importance of beauty sleep in your kid's life? (मुलांसाठी झोप किती महत्वाची?)
12. Anti Oxidents : Keep Disease Away (एंटी आँक्सिडेंटस : दूर ठेवा आजारपणाच्या तक्रारी)
13. Milk : The Best Food Forever! (दूध एक उत्तम आहार)
14. If someone afflicted at home (घरात जर कुणी आजारी असेल तर )
15. Kids, please do not habitual with Fast Food..!!!
16. How toxins enter our body?
17. Useful Websites for Kids (मुलांसाठी उपयुक्त वेबसाइट्स)
18. While Conversation With Kids (मुलांशी संवाद साधताना)
19. Cryos : The First International Sperm Bank In India (भारतातील पहिली आंतरराष्ट्रीय वीर्य बैंक)
20. Stressful Period Before Delivery May Affect the Growth of Your Baby (प्रसूतिपूर्व काळात ताणाचा संतातिवर परिणाम शक्य)
21. Mom and Dad,Please change your attitude (मम्मी आणि पप्पा आता तरी बदला ना!)
22. Calcium Bank for your child
23. Kindergarchy : The Rules by Children
24. How safe are baby products?
25. How important the stickers on baby products?
26. What to do before your baby comes?
27. Baby Products - Money Saving Tips
28. Adults too can suffer from Whooping Cough
29. What's wrong with baby? Yeah! They are crying!
30. Calcium may significantly improve kid's bone health
31. An open letter to all young mom
32. Acne Products : Your Transforming Skincare
33. Some Health Tips for you all
34. How to get cured of diarrhoea - 1
35. What causes Diarrhoea? - 2
36. Tongue display helps recover balance problem
37. Diarrhoea in Children - 3
38. Get prominent skin with Resurgence
38. Homework in progress - 1
39. Homework in Progress : Regular overview - 2
40. Protect your grandparents with Medical Alarm
41. Homework in Progress : Make it a Quiz Time - 3
42. Homework in Progress - Postitive Feedback Counts - 4
43. Get Tea Bonanza at
44. Homework in Progress : Break Point - 5
45. Homework in Progress : Do not think twice, just log on - 6
46. A judgement court for kids (शोषित पिढीत मुलांना न्याय लवकर मिळावा म्हणुन ख़ास न्यायालयाची स्थापना)
47. Adult's Rights (लहान मुलांचे अधिकार)
48. Smile Teeth : How important is a child's dental health?
49. Infants : could be a sign that they would develop autism later
50. Get the power of SmoothFitness to be look sexy
51. Sleep with a newborn : Some tips to parents
52. Kid Care Center : The things to know (Kid Care Center - मुलांचे काळजीवाहू घर)
53. Connecting with your kid at school : (मुलांची शाळेतील वर्तवणुक)
54. Helicopter parenting more effective than formal parenting (Helicopter parenting - काय प्रकार आहे हां?)
55. Parents Think : Video Games are good for children (पालकांचे मत : Video Games हे मुलांसाठी चांगले असतात)
56. More former Parents Develop Allround Nestlings
57. How Nurturing Impacts Your Child’s Attribute? (पालकांचे संगोपन कशाप्रकारे मुलांच्या जडणघडणीवर परिणाम करते?)
58. Eminent Tension Levels In Parents Of Children With Impairments (पालकांचे अति टेंशन मुलांना अपंग करते)
59. Important Points Before Leaving Your Children Alone At Home (मुलांना एकटे घरी सोडण्यापुर्वी घ्यायची काळजि)
60. Overweight Kids : Family Based Lifestyle Changes the Situation
61. Is It Right To Reward Children? (मुलांना बक्षिस देणे योग्य आहे का?)
62. Parent Coaching Can Assist Kids To Lose Weight
63. Grandness Of Fathers In The Lives Of Their Children
64. How to talk with your Tweens in Mensturation
65. The Benefits Of Being Ignored : Important for Your Children
66. How Your Parenting Style Benefits Your Child? (तुमच्या पालकत्वाचि स्टाइल मुलाला कशी फायद्याची राहील?)
67. Cheating Kids – A big issue for parents
68. What are the ways that people cheat?
69. What are causes Kids Cheat
70. Truth and Consequences gathered in kid’s mind - 1
71. Truth and Consequences gathered in kid’s mind - 2
72. Kids Just Stop Cheating
73. Brain : The Mental Ability of Your Kid
74. Wonders of Left Brain and Right Brain
75. Getting alongwith teachers (मुलांनो आपल्या टिचर बरोबर रहा)
76. Relationship between Teacher and Students - १ (मुलांचे आणि टीचर्स चे संबंध)
77. What are the Responsibilities of Students? (विद्द्यार्थ्यांच्या जबाबदा-या काय असतात?)
78. First Day of School (शालेचा पहिला दिवस)
79. Just Feel Good on Day One
80. If You Hate the School It's Your Bad Start
81. School's Group Projects
82. While Meeting Together
83. Holding Good Meetins
84. If Problems Arise
85. Home Schooling
86. Advantage and Disadvantage of Home Schooling
87. Kids Scared of Bedbug
88. Honeybee are Fuzzy Insects : Take Care of Your Kids - 1
89. HoneyBee : What measure need to take care of your kid - 2
90. A Terror of Black Widow Spider
91. Brown Recluse Spider
92. A Chigger Bite
93. The Key To Perfect Pitch Lies in Tonal Language
94. Sign of Developing Children
95. Tips To Help You Get Your Kids Hooked On All Kinds Of Reading
96. Go for Variety : Tip 1
97. Tips to develop your children - 2
98. Tips to Develop Your Children - 3
99. Tips to Develop Your Children - 4
100. Game Your Way to Great Arithmetic
101. Spend Your Life
102. Remove Common Bacteria To Cut Risk Of Stomach Cancer Relapse
103. What is a Silent Heart Attack?
104. Heart Attack : No Warning Signs
105. Heart Attack : How Can You Detect It?
106. Heart Attack : Treatment
107. How You Can Prevent Heart Attack?
108. Do Mothers Overfeed Their Babies?
109. Babies Brainer Than Previously Thought
110. Disrupted Gene Causes Mental Retardation
111. Healing Tradition in India - 1
112. Healing Tradition in India : Keep Away disease - 2
113. Some Health Tips
114. In Control - (एक शोध निबंध)
115. Exercise Ineffective In Making Obese Kids Slim